Cancer | Health Medley Some Day, Every Day Fri, 14 Oct 2016 06:30:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Can Asbestos Harm people around Asbestos Prone Area? Fri, 14 Oct 2016 06:30:11 +0000 Asbestos is a material made from fiber and it occurs naturally which has been used since the 1950s as a part of building material that is very popular everywhere and is used widely. It acts as an insulator to keep...

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Asbestos is a material made from fiber and it occurs naturally which has been used since the 1950s as a part of building material that is very popular everywhere and is used widely. It acts as an insulator to keep heat and cold out of the place where it is not required. It also prevents corrosion and has a brilliant fire protection property. If you carry any responsibility for an area which contains asbestos you get to have a legal duty to manage all the risks you are going to have because of this material or must check a regular measure to cope with the risk of Asbestos.Asbestos Prone Areas

Types of Asbestos

There are mainly three types of Asbestos available which are commonly called as blue, brown and white asbestos. They are very dangerous carcinogens, but blue and brown asbestos are more dangerous than white asbestos. As they are often made by mixing it with other material, you cannot identify them with their color. If you are working on a building which was built around 2000 or before that, it is more probable that you are working near asbestos. They are mostly found in sprayed coating, ceiling and door panels, floor tiles, cement roof sheeting, etc.

Exposure to Asbestos

It is a large group of minerals with very minute and microparticles. These are the fibers that are resistant to heat fire and chemicals. They do not even conduct electricity. But they have been used in building industries since a long time especially in constructions and automobiles sector. While working with asbestos, you must keep in mind not to get it disturbed and broken. After being disturbed, the particles of the asbestos material which are fibrous in nature get diffused and mix with the particles of air. When you breathe in this air, you inhale these particles along with air and these particles get trapped in your lungs and do not get out. They stay there for many years and slowly their quantity in your lungs gets increased and this number reaches a stage when it gets very dangerous for the lungs further. After getting accumulated these fibrous structures lead to many serious health issues. As they get trapped in the lungs, they do not allow enough of the clean air to get filtered out from the lungs. As a result, it leads to shortening of breath and many serious lung problems. The biggest problem with this type of fiber is that you cannot clean the layer of fibers that gets accumulated in the lining of your lungs. You cannot remove the layer and hence the diseases caused by this problem are noncurable.

Harmful Effects of Asbestos

You can easily get acquired with an asbestos-related disease if you keep breathing in air containing asbestos fibers. It can cause mainly cancer of lungs and chest lining. They are only harmful when their particles are breathed in which are released in the air. Past exposure to asbestos killed around 4000 people a year in Great Britain. This number is expected to rise until 2018 because there is no cure for the asbestos-related disease. Those who have used asbestos for a longer duration have them on the premises, and who disturbs asbestos that has been damaged and affected are most likely to get affected by the harmful effects of this material. They are at major risks. The people who are indulged in drilling, sawing or cutting works are more at risks because they are prone to the asbestos area and get affected. The waste from the asbestos should be packed well in double polythene bags and should be kept away before disposing of it as waste. The polethene bags must be marked as asbestos because these wastes can only be given at those places which are licensed to receive such wastes. The local authorities have all the information about the sites to dispose of the products.

Causes of Asbestos

The air and surroundings near the asbestos prone area are very harmful and it might be very hazardous for you if you keep staying at those places for long. It can also cause many harmful diseases such as-


It is a type of cancer that affects the lining of your lungs and the area near your lower digestive side. It is a very rare disease that affects abdomen badly. It is only caused by over exposure from asbestos and it is always fatal because the symptoms are generally not observed early and by the time it is diagnosed it is in the last stage and can’t be treated.

Lung Cancer

It is the type of cancer which is also caused by smoking and drinking. This cancer can also be caused by breathing in an environment of the asbestos prone area. It is very common these days.


It is a very serious disease that causes an inflammatory condition in the lungs and areas of the chest. It is a major health concern that can be caused either by over exposure to asbestos or if you have remained exposed to this material since a long time. It is a disease that is also harmful to lungs and it can cause shortness of breath, regular coughing, and scarring of the lungs. This ultimately leads to death. No cures have been developed for treating this disease.

Pleural Thickening

It is a problem that happens if you have been overexposed to the material. After a certain time, the lining of your lungs gets swelled up and thick. In later stages, you get shortening of breath and hard pain and discomfort in your chest.

Our Views

You must take safety precautions while working near or at the asbestos prone area. You must find out if any asbestos containing material are used and try to avoid the material. You must take safety measurements, training, and enough knowledge while working with it. Consult a medical advisor at regular intervals. Only if you take care of the surrounding and yourself, nothing can harm you in anyways. Thus, a prior care is always better than a cure.

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All You Need to Know About Breast Cancer – Causes, Symptoms, Precautions, Treatment Wed, 29 Jun 2016 19:49:11 +0000 Breast cancer is a type of cancer that develops out of breast cells. The inception of breast cancer has been found to occur in the inner lining of the milk ducts in the breasts, or the lobules that supply the...

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Breast cancer is a type of cancer that develops out of breast cells. The inception of breast cancer has been found to occur in the inner lining of the milk ducts in the breasts, or the lobules that supply the ducts with milk. Such lethal tumour can also spread to other parts of the affected person’s body. In this article, we have come with some of the lethal information about this painful disease. All of you must go through it carefully.All you need to learn about Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Information and Facts

All across the world, breast cancer has been found to be the most invasive cancer in females. Numbers show that out of all female cancers, breast cancer accounts for 16% out of them. 18.2% of all the cancer-related deaths in the world are from breast cancer. Breast cancer in males is a rare phenomenon and is mostly reported in men aged over 65 years.

What causes Breast Cancer?

In females, every breast consists of fat, connective tissues and many lobules. The milk goes through tiny ducts, also known as tubes, and is delivered through the nipple. The breast also consists of millions of microscopic cells. Like every other cell in our body, these cells multiply time and again to replace new ones with old dead cells. In a cancerous situation, this multiplication is compounded many times, with the production of too many cells, much more than there should be. It is hard to say why one woman develops breast cancer while another woman does not. However, there are certain causes that lead to this cancer:

  • Successive Ageing: Age is a significant factor in the case of breast cancer. The cancer is more commonly found in women with age more than 50 years.
  • Genetics: Woman having a close relative in the family who has or had breast or ovarian cancer is at a high risk of developing cancer themselves.
  • History of Breast Cancer: Women who have had breast cancer in the past are at a risk of developing it again.
  • Dense Breast Tissue: Women with a denser breast tissue stand a higher risk of developing breast cancer.
  • Estrogens Exposure: Women with an unusual timing of periods are likely to have a high risk of developing breast cancer as they are exposed to estrogens levels for a longer period.
  • Obesity: The high level of estrogens in obese women makes them vulnerable to cancer.
  • Radiation Exposure: Women who undergo X-rays or CT-scans are susceptible to a risk of developing breast cancer owing to exposure to radiation.
  • Cosmetic Implants: Do breast implants cause breast cancer? It is not clear yet, but women who get the breast implants done and further develop breast cancer have a high risk of dying a premature death as compared to other women.

Causes of Breast Cancer in Males

A number of risk factors can aid the development of cancerous cells in the male breast. In most of the cases, it has been found that the cell membranes of breast cells have estrogens receptors that allow estrogens molecules to bind themselves to cancer cells. Cell growth and multiplication are stimulated as a result of this binding. Mutated genes and family history can also lead to breast cancer in men. If you were wondering can boys get breast cancer, then here is your answer, that yes men too might be exposed to breast cancer. However till date, only a few cases of breast cancers have been reported in men aged below 60 years.

Breast Cancer Types

Breast cancer can take the shape of two types depending on its genesis. Cancer that originates in the lobules is known as lobular carcinoma while the one that originates in the ducts is known as ductal carcinoma. Ductal carcinoma, cancer of the milk ducts has been found to be the most common type of breast cancer. Lobular breast cancer is much less common.

Breast Cancer Symptoms

When it comes to breast cancer symptoms, only the patient himself can detect and bring these symptoms to another’s notice. Usually, the first symptoms of breast cancer can be identified with an area of thickened tissue in the breast, more like a lump. Other than this, pain in the armpits or the breast that is not related to menstrual pain, reddening of the breast and skin texture like an orange skin, rashes on the nipple, swelling of the armpits, discharge from nipples; even blood, changes in the appearance of the nipple, changes in the size and shape of the breast or flaking or peeling of skin from the nipple or the breast, can be symptoms of breast cancer and should be brought to a doctor’s notice immediately.

These are the early signs of breast cancer like breast cancer lumps, and if detected early, can save one’s life. Men breast cancer symptoms display similar behaviour. Most commonly a lump in the breast is observed in the case of cancer from breast cancer. The other symptoms that may point towards the issue are nipple retraction, ulceration, and discharge from nipples. In the case where cancer has accelerated, additional symptoms might be breast pain, bone pain, swelling of the lymph nodes and impotency. Breast cancer early detection can save a person from a fatal death.

How is Breast Cancer Diagnosed?

Breast cancer is often detected only after the appearance of one or more symptoms of cancer. However, in some cases of early breast cancer, the symptoms might not manifest themselves and detection may be impossible. This is why it is recommended to get regular screening tests done to detect cancer at an early stage. Diagnosis can be done through a breast exam by a physician, X-ray (mammogram), 2D combined with 3D mammograms, breast ultrasound, biopsy and breast MRI.Ways to Determine Breast Cancer by Self

Treatment Options for Breast Cancer

Treatment for breast cancer in women will involve treatment from a team of specialists including an oncologist, radiologist, specialist cancer surgeon, pathologist, radiographer and reconstructive surgeon. They will analyse the various parameters of the patient’s health and present condition before deciding on a course of treatment. Breast cancer treatment options mainly include the following:

  • Surgery: Surgery can be carried out in the following ways:
  1. Lumpectomy: The breast-sparing surgery, it aims at removal of the tumour and a mall region of tissues around it.
  2. Mastectomy: Surgical removal of the breast. It can be simple mastectomy or radical mastectomy.
  3. Sentinel Node Biopsy: Surgical removal of one lymph node.
  • Radiation Therapy: It involves controlled doses of radiation to target the tumour and destroy the cancer cells.
  • Chemotherapy: Using medicines to kill off the cancer cells using cytotoxic drugs. It is mostly recommended in cases where chances of recurrence are more. Chemotherapy side effects breast cancer cases include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, hair loss and high susceptibility to infections.

In the case of males, surgery is usually the first treatment option. In cases where there are estrogens receptors on the walls of cancerous cells, and estrogens hormone therapy may be used by the doctor. Chemotherapy also remains an option after surgery.

In cases of triple-negative breast cancer, where your pathology report tests negative for estrogens receptors, progesterone receptors, and HER2, triple negative breast cancer treatment involves a combination of therapies such as surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.

Metastatic breast cancer or the Stage 4 cancer means that cancer has spread to other body parts. The spreading of cancer begins with cancer cells invading the nearby healthy cells and their penetration into the lymph system. From this point, they migrate through circulation and cancer cells get lodged into capillaries. This leads to the development of new tumour cells. It can be detected through various symptoms and the treatment proceeds the same way as listed above.

Precautions to take while Suffering from Breast Cancer

While a patient is suffering from breast cancer, they can take small precautions to ensure that their treatment continues in the right way without any obstacles. A patient should be given a nutritious diet along with some exercise. Any possible side effects of the treatment should be taken care of. A patient should frankly discuss symptoms and issues with their physician.

Breast cancer research and treatment has led to the advancement and development of newer and improved methods of breast cancer treatment. If you were wondering can breast cancer be cured then you should know that it is possible with medications and medical procedures.

A new breast cancer blood test is in breast cancer news, which gives precise results by up to 80%, and can detect breast cancer five years before it occurs. This blood test is a significant development over the conventional mammography tests.

Breast Cancer Fundraising

There are many organisations that run fundraising events to support breast cancer patients. There are many support events, fund raising events, Volunteer opportunities that are a part of these events. These events provide support to many patients. There are many ways in which people can become a part of these events.

Final Words

There are some lifestyle changes that can be adopted by people to avoid being diagnosed with breast cancer such as reducing alcohol consumption, indulging in physical exercise, improving diet, maintaining body weight, breastfeeding and getting regular breast cancer screening done to detect early symptoms. The journey is tough but not impossible.

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