Pregnancy | Health Medley Some Day, Every Day Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:20:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pregnancy | Health Medley 32 32 How to Take Care of Health of a New Born Baby: Top 6 Parenting Tips Thu, 16 Jan 2025 04:30:25 +0000 A child, when comes into the world, is a bundle of joy and apple of everyone’s eyes. A newborn baby is fragile, weak and needs utmost care. You survived 9 months of pregnancy, survived the excitement of giving birth to...

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A child, when comes into the world, is a bundle of joy and apple of everyone’s eyes. A newborn baby is fragile, weak and needs utmost care. You survived 9 months of pregnancy, survived the excitement of giving birth to a new life and once you head home with your baby, you have to take care that your baby gets all the care and love that he deserves to blossom into a healthy being. Most nervous first time parents don’t know much about how to take care of the health of new born baby.

Top 6 Parenting Tips to Taking Care of Health of New Born Baby

A newborn baby is so sensitive that even a little change in weather or atmosphere, can make him/her prone to diseases. He can easily catch infection because his immune system is not that strong and resistant to infections.

New Born Baby Health Care Tips

Getting Started with Some Help

First-time parents have no idea as for how to handle a baby, how to feed him, make him burp, etc. and in this situation, it is advisable to take help of local nurses or consultants who will guide you through these little but very important things which are supposed to be taken care of.

Many hospitals have feeding specialist and lactation consultants who will guide you through your baby’s feeding routine and jot down the time frame within which the baby has to be fed a certain amount of milk.

Getting in help would be a wise step because, till the time you are in the hospital, there are a number of people out there to take care of your baby, but once you step into your home, you are all by yourself. In –help would be there to assist your baby for a short time after your baby’s birth.

Bonding with the New Born Baby

Negligence and lack of bonding with the baby can cause the baby to behave abnormally. Emotional-soothing and care are the first and foremost step while handling your new born baby. It is one of the initial aspects of baby-care. Once baby attains emotional growth, it eventually affects the development of other aspects of the baby.

Cradling your baby or gently stroking him or ‘skin to skin’ touch can develop an emotional bond and will soothe the baby as well. Gentle baby-massages have been in practice since old days as it aids in the development of strong bones and overall growth of the child. Also, it helps in bonding with the baby.

Cleanliness and Sanitisation Issues

A new born baby’s immune system is not strong enough to resist even little infections and is prone to diseases. It is necessary to use hand sanitizer before handling your baby or before feeding him otherwise they would be susceptible to infection. Not only the mother, in fact, all other people who come into contact with your baby, need to use hand sanitizer and make sure that they are germ-free. Baby’s hygiene is of utmost importance.

Giving a good bath is also important to keep your baby neat and tidy. Make sure you use mild shampoos and soap as the skin of a newborn is very sensitive and a harsh shampoo might lead to rashes on the skin.

Baby’s cord usually falls off after a few weeks of his birth and special care has to be taken. The cord should be cleaned every time baby’s diaper is changed. The area around the cord should be cleaned frequently using a soft cloth which would prevent any infection.

Sterilizing the equipment which the baby is using is equally important to prevent any infections. The feeding bottles and other items should be boiled (sterilized) before put to use. Baby’s diaper should be changed frequently because of a wet and dirty diaper, when wrapped around for a long time, may cause red rashes which are quite painful for the little baby.

Handling the Baby

It is necessary to take care of how you handle and carry your newborn as he is a fragile, little thing. Make sure that you support your baby’s neck and head before you carry him in your lap or lay him down. The newborn should not be shaken whether for fun or in anger because that might damage the baby’s weak and fragile bones and muscles.

Any activity which is too rough should be limited. It should be made sure that your baby is ready for any play like jiggling him or shaking him. You should never wake your newborn in a rough manner. Either gently rub his cheek or tickle his feet.

Feeding and Burping the Baby

It is necessary to identify with a clue that the baby is hungry when he starts to cry or behave abnormally. A newborn baby has to be fed every 2-3 hours. Babies often swallow air during feeding, which can make the baby fussy and irritable. The baby should be made to burp to prevent any fuss. Always burp your baby after the feeding time is over and the baby should be kept upright after feeding so that it prevents him from spitting up.

Sleeping Basics

The newborn usually sleeps for a period of 2- 4 hours. Baby’s digestive system needs nourishment every 2-3 hours and they should be awakened if they haven’t been fed anything for a long time. The baby’s cradle should be free from any heavily-stuffed toys or fluffy pillows as the baby might get tangled in them during sleeping or might suffocate.

Most of the newborns are awake at night so it is better to keep simulations low at night. For example, the lights should be kept low so as to let the baby develop his own sleeping cycles and patterns. In the beginning, it might be a bit messy and difficult to handle a newborn, but as the time will pass, you will develop your own parenting routine and you would no more be a novice; in fact, you would be a parenting pro!

Our Views

Beginning of anything new is full of doubts and misconceptions, but once you are through it, you will be more than happy to realize that all your efforts were worth it and your baby is healthy, jolly and growing into a fit and wholesome being.

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Top 10 Foods to avoid during Pregnancy: Eatables Pregnant Women Should Not Eat Tue, 07 Jan 2025 04:30:31 +0000 Pregnancy is one of the most sensitive phases a woman goes through in her life. One thing every expecting mother must know is the foods to avoid during pregnancy. It is what you eat that matters the most during the...

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Pregnancy is one of the most sensitive phases a woman goes through in her life. One thing every expecting mother must know is the foods to avoid during pregnancy. It is what you eat that matters the most during the whole tenure. It not only affects you but also your baby. So it is your responsibility to take care of both of you.

List of Foods to avoid during Pregnancy that causes Miscarriage

10 Food to Avoid during Pregnancy: Exclude them from your Meal

Below are some foods all pregnant women should avoid to maintain better health. These food items must seek a place in your essential pregnancy to do list so that you can avoid them. This list of items also acts as a food guide for pregnant women so you must follow it if you are expecting your baby anytime soon.


Some of the cheese varieties such as brie, feta, camembert, etc. should be avoided during the time of pregnancy. Results can be as fatal as miscarriage, premature birth or even birth defects. If you want to consume cheese, eat the ones which are made up of pasteurized milk. Cheddar and Swiss cheese can be safely on your pregnancy food list.


Pregnant women should avoid raw or uncooked eggs as they contain listeria bacteria. Raw eggs increase the chances of Salmonella bacteria which causes vomiting and diarrhea. Eggs should be cooked well until the yolks turn solid. Deserts such as cakes, chocolate mousse, etc. contain raw eggs and must be avoided as per a food guide for pregnant woman which you must definitely follow.


If you are expecting a baby or trying to get pregnant, make sure to avoid papaya. It contains latex like substance which usually leads to contractions in the uterus and thus makes the process difficult. You must try and avoid unripe papayas the most. They can be unpleasant during pregnancy. This is among the useful pregnancy food tips that most people overlook.

Unpasteurized Milk

Milk provides you with calcium, proteins and minerals which are good for health. However, one must avoid unpasteurized milk or dairy products which have the chances of increasing food poison. Some of the optional non-dairy milks are rice milk, oat milk and almond milk which is safer and contain the same nutrients. You must definitely keep it in your pregnancy food list which will help you in avoiding it.


Non-vegetarian eaters crave meat and it is difficult to live without it for a long duration. However, pregnant women must see to it that they are not eating undercooked meat or any poultry items as such. The major reason why it must be avoided is because it contains listeria bacteria. Almost all the pregnancy food tips you will see will ask you to avoid meat as far as possible.


Excessive intake of caffeine must be strictly avoided during pregnancy as it increases the risk of miscarriage or having a baby with low birth weight. Pregnant woman should limit the intake of caffeine maximum up to 200mL or 2 mugs of coffee a day. If you look up any of the major pregnancy food chart, you will find caffeine to be at the top of foods to be avoided during pregnancy.


As fishes are living creatures that eat their own food, once they die and are ready for consumption, there are usually parasites and bacteria on them. Thus during the time of your pregnancy try and avoid fishes as it would not do you good. If you still want to have fish, then make sure to cook it up to 145 degree Fahrenheit before consuming it which will kill all the bacteria and parasites. It stands high on the list of foods all pregnant women should avoid.


Many women have the habit of eating sausages in their meals. But during the time of your pregnancy, it is always better to avoid sausages especially those which are dry. It contains Listeria and is not good for either you or your baby. If you have a look at the pregnancy food chart, you will see it listed under the foods to avoid during pregnancy.

Allergic Nuts

Although some nuts provide you with good vitamins and essential nutrients, there are some nuts of which you can be allergic to. They should be in your list of pregnancy food to avoid. Nuts such as cashews and peanuts can cause skin allergies and rashes in your body. A pregnant woman must definitely not go through all this and take complete care of her.

Herbal Tea

Herbal tea is usually consumed for health benefits but during pregnancy it is among the pregnancy food to avoid. Some of the herbs like Senna, wormwood, saw palmetto that must be specially avoided even if you choose to consume herbal tea. But it is always better to negate any risk when your baby’s health is on the line. Even a small negligence can lead to something which you would definitely not want for your baby.

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How Pregnant Woman Can Stay Healthy – Top 5 Safe Exercises During Pregnancy Sat, 04 Jan 2025 04:30:05 +0000 Pregnancy is that time for a woman where she experiences a vast array of changes in herself, both physical and emotional. Sometimes it is hard to cope with so many changes all at once. While there is not much that...

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Pregnancy is that time for a woman where she experiences a vast array of changes in herself, both physical and emotional. Sometimes it is hard to cope with so many changes all at once. While there is not much that can be done about the emotional and hormonal changes taking place in you. There is always an option to keep yourself healthy physically, which might have a positive impact on your emotional well-being too. Maintaining a regular exercise regime throughout your pregnancy can help you feel better and at your best. Regular exercising can greatly aid in alleviating back pain during pregnancy and lower back pain in early pregnancy. So here, we have come up with safe exercises during pregnancy advised for a pregnant woman.

Birthing Ball Exercises during Pregnancy Benefits

Can I exercise while pregnant?

Even if you have never really followed an exercise regime on a regular basis before your pregnancy, it is completely safe for you to start doing so while you are pregnant. The only thing to be kept in mind is that an extra consultation with your doctor might be a good option so that she can tell you the exact exercises that are suitable for you.

Exercising during pregnancy must be avoided by women who have a medical condition such as asthma, heart disease, or diabetes. You must get yourself examined to detect certain pregnancy relates issues such as bleeding and spotting, low placenta, threatened or recurrent miscarriage, history of early labor or a weak cervix. In such cases, exercising can deteriorate your condition further and cause complications. It is best to have a word with your gynecologist before following any exercise regime.

You might notice a brown discharge in early pregnancy. This discharge is very similar to a normal period but is very light. More than 20% women face this condition and it absolutely common to take place. There are many causes of this discharge such as menstrual hormones, embedding of fertilized egg in the uterus lining, irritation of the cervix, cervical polyp, vaginal infection or if you have conceived through IVF or similar fertilization methods. Exercising has no relation to this howsoever, so it should not hold you back from exercising when you are completely normal.

Benefits of Exercising during Pregnancy

Exercising during your pregnancy period can have positive effects on your health and keep you active. Majorly, exercises help in improving your muscle tone, strength, and endurance that makes all the difference. It helps you adapt more positively to the changes taking place in your body owing to pregnancy. You stand to gain these benefits with regular and proper exercises:

  • Help in adjusting to the weight gained during pregnancy
  • Prepares you for the physical trauma of childbirth and labor pain
  • Improves your emotional aura and keeps your mood good
  • Induces better sleeping pattern
  • Helps in regaining body shape post child birth

Safe Exercises during Pregnancy – Top 5 Best Exercises for Pregnant Woman

As long as you are performing an exercise in moderation and with caution, quite a few numbers of exercises are good for pregnancy period. Ideally, a three day routine per week of safe exercises for pregnancy will yield the desired benefits. Exercising while pregnant will keep your heart rate running at a normal pace without causing exertion. A pregnancy exercise plan can be formulated by you that you like so that you will stick to following it religiously on a routine basis. Among the best exercise for pregnant women are:

  • Walking: Brisk walking is the best workout without pushing yourself over the edge. It keeps your heart rate working without causing any discomfort to your knees, ankles or legs. A walk of 30 minutes per day is sufficient to work out for a day.
  • Aerobics: Aerobics give you the chance to engage in a routine exercise and is completely safe as long as you do not over exert yourself. Remember to keep them low impact without affecting your joints.
  • Swimming: Swimming is yet another safe exercise for pregnancy period. It has the added fun of more enjoyment of feeling weightless as your baby bump keeps getting rounder. It gives a good work out to your arms, legs and keeps your heart space healthy.
  • Birthing Ball Exercises during Pregnancy: Ball exercises are excellent means of exercising at the comfort of your home. It improves your balance and posture and works the muscles in your tummy. These exercises are beneficial for changing the position of the baby and preparing you for labor.
  • Yoga for Pregnancy: Yoga while pregnant helps to maintain muscle tone and improves your posture ten folds. Yoga is an age-old technique of maintaining health and even yoga exercises during pregnancy can have a greatly positive impact on your body. You can join pregnancy yoga classes to get the best training for pregnancy period where trained coaches will guide you to do proper yoga.
Recommended Food for Pregnant Woman

Besides following a routine of exercising, include special pregnancy foods in your pregnancy fitness plan that will help you keep your pregnancy in check and healthy. Following are some foods to eat during pregnancy:

  • Eggs
  • Beans
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Whole grains
  • Walnuts
  • Dark green and leafy vegetables
  • Fruits
Final Words

You can join pregnancy fitness classes where experienced and trained coaches will give the best pregnancy tips and information related to your pregnancy and under their supervision you will get the best and most healthy fitness plans.

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6 Creams to Get Rid of Pregnancy Stretch Marks Sun, 22 Jan 2017 07:30:10 +0000 Pregnancy can be a very difficult period of time for a woman. She suffers from a number of problems. One of the biggest problems for a woman to deal with is the skin stretching to accommodate the birth of her...

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Pregnancy can be a very difficult period of time for a woman. She suffers from a number of problems. One of the biggest problems for a woman to deal with is the skin stretching to accommodate the birth of her children. Usually, the skin stretch leaves behind a number of stretch marks on your body. The stretch marks, during and after the pregnancy can be troublesome to get rid of. These pregnancy stretch marks change the shape and the texture of your skin which can lower your confidence. These lines showcase that your skin has stretched to the limit and couldn’t elongate any further.

Best Creams to Get Rid of Pregnancy Stretch Marks

It is highly recommended to use some of the best pharmacists recommended stretch marks removal cream to get rid of them. It is very difficult to get rid of these marks but we present you today with the best pregnancy stretch marks cream to help you vanish those marks easily.Pregnancy Stretch Marks

StriVectin-SD Intensive Concentrate

Undoubtedly, the biggest name in the stretch mark removal cream industry today is of StriVectin. The company claims that this product has helped to improve the condition of your stretch marks with stark visible differences inside two weeks of following the beauty regime. One of the major ingredients used in the manufacturing of this cream is a proprietary complex compound, NIA-114. This compound was developed by skin cancer scientist to strengthen and rebuild your skin cells to cure stretch marks during pregnancy.

Mederma Stretch Marks Therapy

One of the best pregnancy stretch marks removal cream, as recommended by pharmacist across the globe, is the Mederma Stretch Marks Therapy Cream. This cream is developed in such a way that it acts to treat existing stretch marks as well as preventing new marks from cropping up on your skin. The cream will work to lighten the skin color and smooth out the texture to ensure that the skin feels softer after removal of the existing marks.

Palmer’s Cocoa Butter for Stretch Marks

Palmer’s cocoa butter has been a classic case of lotions for pregnancy stretch marks to remove them. This budget cream has been tested around the world by some of the famous dermatologists and used by daughters and mothers during their pregnancy time. This cream includes collagen, elastin, and Vitamin E which are helpful for treating pregnancy stretch marks. It is highly suitable for people who have sensitive skin.

Dreambelly Stretch Mark Cream

This pregnancy stretch marks cream is designed keeping the condition of women during their pregnancy phase in mind. Women who are looking to tone and improve their body skins during the pregnancy phase or post-pregnancy can benefit from this cream which includes aloe vera, Vitamin E, rosehip oil, grapeseed extract, and a mixture of oils and butter. This cream has a pleasant smell with a fairly thick texture.

CeraVe Intensive Stretch Marks Cream

The addition of fragrances can be troublesome for women with sensitive skin. This is why CeraVe has designed a cream which is free from any form of parabens, perfumes, and phthalates to completely get rid of pregnancy stretch marks. Additionally, this cream is priced very low which makes it an ideal option for people who are looking for a stretch marks removal cream inside their budget.

Arts Natural Stretch Marks Removal Cream

It is surely the best cream for old stretch marks that can be used on the body as well as face to treat scars and stretch marks. This cream is Free Trade Certified and is approved for use by women during and after the pregnancy phase. This cream is available at an affordable price which also makes it budget friendly.

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