Health Medley Some Day, Every Day Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:25:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 12 Powerful Yoga Asanas to Get Rid of Belly Fat: Remove Those Extra Pounds Wed, 08 Jan 2025 04:30:11 +0000 Belly fat is the most common fat you will ever notice first on your body. The reason is because this fat is the first to crop up on your body. For starters, people can easily gain fat on their belly...

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Belly fat is the most common fat you will ever notice first on your body. The reason is because this fat is the first to crop up on your body. For starters, people can easily gain fat on their belly area but it is also the most difficult area if you want to remove the excess fat on it. There are many reasons to gain those extra kilos on your stomach. Lots of junk food, unhealthy eating habits, and regular drinking are few of such reasons which contribute to growing waistline. Maintaining your body shape is difficult due to an improper diet but a few practice exercises can keep you in shape.

Fabulous Yoga Asanas to reduce the Belly Fat

Taking regular Yoga sessions early morning is one of the easiest ways to remove those excess kilos. Here are the top 12 Yoga Asanas which are powerful enough to help you fight that stubborn belly fat:

Downward facing Dog Yoga Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Downward Dog Yoga Pose for Pregnant Women, Beginners, BenefitsProbably, the best Yoga Asana to shed those extra kilos is the downward facing dog pose. To do the pose correctly, lie down on a Yoga mat kept on the floor. Slowing and steadily lift the middle portion of your body to come to rest on all four of your hands and toes. Also, try to bring your hands and legs close to each other when you are lifting your torso up to find yourself in a mountain-like pose. Try to hold the posture for a while before letting go. You will feel the compression in your stomach muscles. This Yoga Asana is helpful for relieving stress and pain, increase bone density and blood circulation to all parts of the body.

Hand Under Foot Yoga Pose (Padahastasana)

Padahastasana Hand Under Foot Yoga Pose, Reduce Belly FatIn order to correctly master the pose, exhale and slowly take a deep breath. Stand straight up and try to bend your upper body slowly downwards until you are able to put your hands underneath your toes. Try to keep your nose as close to your knees as you could and hold the pose for a few seconds. You will soon find yourself in pain as the pose exerts too much pressure on your stomach. This Yoga Asana is perfect for helping you in digestion. It also relieves stress and exhaustion beside also being good for getting beautiful stronger hairs.

Chair Yoga Pose (Utkatasana)

Chair Yoga Pose Benefits, Routine, DescriptionOne of the toughest Yoga Asana to master is the Chair Pose. Stand up straight on the Yoga mat or the floor and try to bend both of your knees together. Keep your hands’ straights in the forward direction at your shoulder level. Try to keep still for a while in a pose resembling to the situation when you are sitting on a chair. This Yoga Asana is very powerful and helps you to tone the thigh and calf muscles of your body. Also, it helps to strengthen the heart, diaphragm, and other abdominal organs.

Seated Forward Bend Yoga Pose (Paschimottanasana)

Sit down on the Yoga Mat or the floor and spread your legs in the forward direction. With a deep breath in, try to bend forward to touch your toes with your fingers. Try to keep your head as close as to your knees for as long as you can hold the pose together. This Asana helps to reduce fat on the back portion of your body. For females, it helps to improve menstrual cycles while also helping digestion and constipation disorders.

Gas Releasing Yoga Pose (Pawanmuktasana)

Lie down on your Yoga mat and try to fold one of your knees. Lock your arms around the knees and bring the knee closer to your chest. Tilt your head a little forward so that you can touch your knee with the nose. Relax and follow the same pose with the other leg. It is useful to remove excess fat and helps in eliminating excess gas from your stomach also.

Boat Yoga Pose (Navasana)

Lie down on your back on the Yoga Mat or the floor. Try to raise your legs and hands in the same direction. Try to sit on your back side with your hands and legs in parallel to each other while being lifted from the ground. Hold the pose for a couple of seconds before letting it go. You can feel your stomach tremble while holding the pose. This exercise is useful for people suffering from hernia and can really help to tone your body.

Warrior 1 Yoga Pose (Virabhadrasana 1)

Warrior 1 Yoga Pose Benefits, Instructions, Variations, StepsStand straight on the ground. Plant one off your legs forward and bend it at your knee. Stretch your hands above your head and join them together. Try to keep your head looking upwards. Hold the pose for a moment before doing the same with the other leg. This pose is useful to stretch your legs and arms alternatively and helps to promote blood circulation in your body.

Warrior 2 Yoga Pose (Virabhadrasana 2)

Warrior 2 Yoga Pose Benefits, Description, Cues, StepsThis pose is an extension of the previous pose. Try to stretch your lower body as you did in the previous pose. Instead of stretching hands upwards, this time, stretch your hands sideways in the opposite direction at shoulder level. Hold the structure for a while before trying with the other leg. You will find it helpful to increase your stretch-ability and flexibility with the pose beside energizing the body.

Bow Yoga Pose (Dhanurasana)

Bow Yoga Pose (Dhanurasana) Benefits, VariationsLie on the Yoga mat on your stomach. Arc your hands and legs backward and stretch your body so that you can hold your toes with your hands. Try to stretch yourself as much as you can. You would feel an incredible amount of stretch around your abdominal muscles. This Yoga Asana can help to cure kidney problems, toning legs and arms, improving flexibility besides helping to battle discomfort during menstrual periods.

Bridge Yoga Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

Bridge Yoga Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) Benefits, Steps, DescriptionLie yourself down on the mat in a relax position. Keep your hands to your side such that your palm touches the mat. Slowly lift your lower body while keeping your whole feet on the ground. Keep holding the pose for a moment before releasing it. The Bridge Pose helps to stretch your torso, chest, neck and spine at the same time. It also helps to relax sore legs besides helping in digestion.

Cobra Yoga Pose (Bhujangasana)

Cobra Yoga Pose (Bhujangasana) Benefits, Steps, VariationsLie down on your stomach on the Yoga mat and place your hands beside your shoulder. Push yourself up so that your body makes an arc. Try to keep your lower body still on the ground and stretch your upper body as back as you can. Also, lift your head to look upwards. The Cobra Pose is helpful to increase blood circulation in your body besides improving the flexibility of your back and spine. It also helps to tone your neck and shoulders.

Camel Yoga Pose (Ustrasana)

Camel Yoga Pose Benefits, Variations, Sanskrit NameOne of the most difficult Yoga Asanas is the Camel Pose but it is one of the useful also. Stand on your knees on the yoga mat and try to bend backward. Try to hold your heels with your hands and with the support of your hands stretch your torso and chest. Try to keep your neck muscles also stretched as much as you can and hold the pose for a moment. The Camel Pose is useful in the opening you’re your chest muscles, improving flexibility, stretching your lower body and reducing chunks of fat on your thigh region.

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Top 10 Foods to avoid during Pregnancy: Eatables Pregnant Women Should Not Eat Tue, 07 Jan 2025 04:30:31 +0000 Pregnancy is one of the most sensitive phases a woman goes through in her life. One thing every expecting mother must know is the foods to avoid during pregnancy. It is what you eat that matters the most during the...

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Pregnancy is one of the most sensitive phases a woman goes through in her life. One thing every expecting mother must know is the foods to avoid during pregnancy. It is what you eat that matters the most during the whole tenure. It not only affects you but also your baby. So it is your responsibility to take care of both of you.

List of Foods to avoid during Pregnancy that causes Miscarriage

10 Food to Avoid during Pregnancy: Exclude them from your Meal

Below are some foods all pregnant women should avoid to maintain better health. These food items must seek a place in your essential pregnancy to do list so that you can avoid them. This list of items also acts as a food guide for pregnant women so you must follow it if you are expecting your baby anytime soon.


Some of the cheese varieties such as brie, feta, camembert, etc. should be avoided during the time of pregnancy. Results can be as fatal as miscarriage, premature birth or even birth defects. If you want to consume cheese, eat the ones which are made up of pasteurized milk. Cheddar and Swiss cheese can be safely on your pregnancy food list.


Pregnant women should avoid raw or uncooked eggs as they contain listeria bacteria. Raw eggs increase the chances of Salmonella bacteria which causes vomiting and diarrhea. Eggs should be cooked well until the yolks turn solid. Deserts such as cakes, chocolate mousse, etc. contain raw eggs and must be avoided as per a food guide for pregnant woman which you must definitely follow.


If you are expecting a baby or trying to get pregnant, make sure to avoid papaya. It contains latex like substance which usually leads to contractions in the uterus and thus makes the process difficult. You must try and avoid unripe papayas the most. They can be unpleasant during pregnancy. This is among the useful pregnancy food tips that most people overlook.

Unpasteurized Milk

Milk provides you with calcium, proteins and minerals which are good for health. However, one must avoid unpasteurized milk or dairy products which have the chances of increasing food poison. Some of the optional non-dairy milks are rice milk, oat milk and almond milk which is safer and contain the same nutrients. You must definitely keep it in your pregnancy food list which will help you in avoiding it.


Non-vegetarian eaters crave meat and it is difficult to live without it for a long duration. However, pregnant women must see to it that they are not eating undercooked meat or any poultry items as such. The major reason why it must be avoided is because it contains listeria bacteria. Almost all the pregnancy food tips you will see will ask you to avoid meat as far as possible.


Excessive intake of caffeine must be strictly avoided during pregnancy as it increases the risk of miscarriage or having a baby with low birth weight. Pregnant woman should limit the intake of caffeine maximum up to 200mL or 2 mugs of coffee a day. If you look up any of the major pregnancy food chart, you will find caffeine to be at the top of foods to be avoided during pregnancy.


As fishes are living creatures that eat their own food, once they die and are ready for consumption, there are usually parasites and bacteria on them. Thus during the time of your pregnancy try and avoid fishes as it would not do you good. If you still want to have fish, then make sure to cook it up to 145 degree Fahrenheit before consuming it which will kill all the bacteria and parasites. It stands high on the list of foods all pregnant women should avoid.


Many women have the habit of eating sausages in their meals. But during the time of your pregnancy, it is always better to avoid sausages especially those which are dry. It contains Listeria and is not good for either you or your baby. If you have a look at the pregnancy food chart, you will see it listed under the foods to avoid during pregnancy.

Allergic Nuts

Although some nuts provide you with good vitamins and essential nutrients, there are some nuts of which you can be allergic to. They should be in your list of pregnancy food to avoid. Nuts such as cashews and peanuts can cause skin allergies and rashes in your body. A pregnant woman must definitely not go through all this and take complete care of her.

Herbal Tea

Herbal tea is usually consumed for health benefits but during pregnancy it is among the pregnancy food to avoid. Some of the herbs like Senna, wormwood, saw palmetto that must be specially avoided even if you choose to consume herbal tea. But it is always better to negate any risk when your baby’s health is on the line. Even a small negligence can lead to something which you would definitely not want for your baby.

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All You Need to Learn About Childhood Obesity – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention Mon, 06 Jan 2025 04:30:21 +0000 Childhood obesity is among one of the most challenging health issues faced by the population of the 21st Century. The problem is prevalent at the global level and is steadily affecting both middle and low-income countries of the world. Obesity...

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Childhood obesity is among one of the most challenging health issues faced by the population of the 21st Century. The problem is prevalent at the global level and is steadily affecting both middle and low-income countries of the world. Obesity statistics worldwide reveal that the number of overweight children under the age of 5 is more than 42 million worldwide, with the majority of them residing in developing nations.

The rate of increase in childhood obesity is 30% more in developing countries when compared to developed countries. It is feared that if the current pace of increase in obesity continues, more than 70 million children could be affected by it worldwide, by the year 2025.

Childhood Obesity health risk has been closely monitored over the years and it has been revealed that obesity and diabetes have a strong correlation as obese children are likely to remain obese into adulthood as well and stand to face the risk of developing the disease along with several other cardiovascular diseases. If intervention is not done, more and more children could be facing this health issue, which will continue to remain with them into adulthood.

Childhood Obesity Causes, Symptoms, Prevention, Treatment

What is Childhood Obesity?

In the terms of the medical world, childhood obesity is a condition that can affect children and adolescents when they are well above the normal weight for their age and height. It is difficult to define in exact terms what weight is obese, however, a BMI (Body Mass Index) can be used as an appropriate measure for concluding whether a child is obese.

Although it is not a perfect means of determining obesity, it is still considered useful for evaluation of the matter. BMI works on the height and weight of a child to determine his body fat and is helpful for screening weight and obesity issues in a child above the age of 2. A physician might suggest additional means to detect obesity in a child such as a skinfold thickness measurements, plus evaluation of diet, family history, and physical activity.

Reasons for Childhood Obesity

It is necessary to understand the root cause of any problem before suggesting the diagnosis. In an analogous manner, it is necessary to understand what factors lead to obesity in children before any treatments for obesity are undertaken. At the under root level, a basic cycle of excessive eating with little or no physical activity starts the problem of obesity in children.

It is understood that since a child, at his development stage, requires ample nutrition and dietary supplements to achieve a healthy level of growth and development. The problem arises when caloric intake exceeds caloric burnout during a day. When this imbalance exceeds a certain limit, childhood obesity occurs, which has some serious consequences.

What are the Causes of Childhood obesity?

‘What Causes Childhood Obesity’, a question that often comes to mind whenever we hear about the issue, has some simple yet serious answers. The rise in worldwide figures of children suffering from obesity is hard to ignore and it is saddening to know that the causes for the same are few simple issues which are easily ignored and overlooked.

  • Increase in eating out habits owing to busy schedules
  • Access to cheap and variety of junk food
  • Increase in portion sizes of food servings at homes and restaurants
  • Increase in consumption of sugars in the form of aerated soft drinks and juices
  • Indulging in excessive gaming on TV, computers, mobiles and proportionately little time outside in parks
  • Lack of adequate physical work out.
  • Lack of adequate information regarding healthy choices of food over their junk counterparts
  • In few cases, genetic and hormonal factors may have a say, in a child developing obesity.

As a result of being obese, a child is further rendered unable to indulge in physical activities. This only elevates the problem in the child and it is like a vicious cycle that is hard to break. Many children may face psychological consequences as a result of being obese, with depression being the most easily induced one.

Harmful Effects of Childhood Obesity

Childhood Obesity can have some serious repercussions on a child’s physical, social and mental health. Obese children stand a greater risk of facing serious health issues later in life. Some of these health issues can be:

  • Cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and heart failure
  • Insulin resistance, which is often a sign of an impending Diabetes
  • Cancers, such as endometrial, breast and colon
  • Certain disabilities
  • High levels of cholesterol and blood pressure
  • Asthma
  • Sleeping disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea
  • Early puberty and menstruation
  • Musculoskeletal disorders such as osteoarthritis which is a disabling and degenerative disease of the joints.

Apart from the physical implications of childhood obesity that impact a child, certain societal repercussions might be the actual, more prominent cause of worry for the child himself. Bullying and teasing are quite common among children who find it amusing to prank and tease their obese peers. Constant bullying and nagging might degrade a child’s self-esteem, which might be irreversible.

Obese children also suffer from poor social skills and high levels of anxiety. At two extremes, either obese children are hyperactive during classes in a negative way or are completely reluctant to participate in daily activities. These issues can gradually develop into a form of depression that might be hard to solve.

How to Fight Childhood Obesity – The Treatment

Prevention is always a better road to take than a cure. While childhood obesity can be detected and cured to an extent, it is best to detect early signs and take precautionary measures to control the effects. As we have seen, the cause of obesity and excessive weight is marginally simple and can be avoided to a large extent.

Making the healthy choice of foods and bringing minor changes in a child’s lifestyle can greatly aid obesity weight loss. Obese weight loss is not an unachievable foot and can be easily monitored with a healthy intake of nutrients and healthy foods, combined with the right type of exercises. The childhood obesity treatment can be undertaken, where the physician will run various tests and diagnosis on the child to determine his level of obesity and treat him accordingly.

The childhood obesity prevention program can have a major impact in educating parents and children about the ill effects of obesity and offer different measures to counter the problem and even suggest ways to prevent it. There are many such programs that are run by different organizations all across the world for varying time durations.

You can be a part of it to make sure that your child remains free of this problem, or you can volunteer with the organization to spread awareness about obesity and make a difference yourself for many other kids. These programs work in every way possible by addressing the underlying issue, protection, prevention, approach and development and effective means to counter the problem of obesity in kids.

Final Words

Remember, obese children are no different than their normal peers. Every child needs the care and attention of his parents, the society, and the environment to ensure that he is not affected by the wrong side of being overweight. Ultimately, a child is like wet clay.

He will, and can be molded in any shape because he does not have his own understanding of right and wrong. All they need is care and love for their elders so that they can prevent themselves from being affected by obesity and if they are obese, then they need adequate attention to help them solve the problem.

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All You Need to Know About Breast Cancer – Causes, Symptoms, Precautions, Treatment Sun, 05 Jan 2025 04:30:11 +0000 Breast cancer is a type of cancer that develops out of breast cells. The inception of breast cancer has been found to occur in the inner lining of the milk ducts in the breasts, or the lobules that supply the...

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Breast cancer is a type of cancer that develops out of breast cells. The inception of breast cancer has been found to occur in the inner lining of the milk ducts in the breasts, or the lobules that supply the ducts with milk. Such lethal tumour can also spread to other parts of the affected person’s body. In this article, we have come with some of the lethal information about this painful disease. All of you must go through it carefully.

Breast Cancer Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Images

Breast Cancer Information and Facts

All across the world, breast cancer has been found to be the most invasive cancer in females. Numbers show that out of all female cancers, breast cancer accounts for 16% out of them. 18.2% of all the cancer-related deaths in the world are from breast cancer. Breast cancer in males is a rare phenomenon and is mostly reported in men aged over 65 years.

What causes Breast Cancer?

In females, every breast consists of fat, connective tissues and many lobules. The milk goes through tiny ducts, also known as tubes, and is delivered through the nipple. The breast also consists of millions of microscopic cells. Like every other cell in our body, these cells multiply time and again to replace new ones with old dead cells. In a cancerous situation, this multiplication is compounded many times, with the production of too many cells, much more than there should be. It is hard to say why one woman develops breast cancer while another woman does not. However, there are certain causes that lead to this cancer:

  • Successive Ageing: Age is a significant factor in the case of breast cancer. The cancer is more commonly found in women with age more than 50 years.
  • Genetics: Woman having a close relative in the family who has or had breast or ovarian cancer is at a high risk of developing cancer themselves.
  • History of Breast Cancer: Women who have had breast cancer in the past are at a risk of developing it again.
  • Dense Breast Tissue: Women with a denser breast tissue stand a higher risk of developing breast cancer.
  • Estrogens Exposure: Women with an unusual timing of periods are likely to have a high risk of developing breast cancer as they are exposed to estrogens levels for a longer period.
  • Obesity: The high level of estrogens in obese women makes them vulnerable to cancer.
  • Radiation Exposure: Women who undergo X-rays or CT-scans are susceptible to a risk of developing breast cancer owing to exposure to radiation.
  • Cosmetic Implants: Do breast implants cause breast cancer? It is not clear yet, but women who get the breast implants done and further develop breast cancer have a high risk of dying a premature death as compared to other women.

Causes of Breast Cancer in Males

A number of risk factors can aid the development of cancerous cells in the male breast. In most of the cases, it has been found that the cell membranes of breast cells have estrogens receptors that allow estrogens molecules to bind themselves to cancer cells. Cell growth and multiplication are stimulated as a result of this binding. Mutated genes and family history can also lead to breast cancer in men. If you were wondering can boys get breast cancer, then here is your answer, that yes men too might be exposed to breast cancer. However till date, only a few cases of breast cancers have been reported in men aged below 60 years.

Breast Cancer Types

Breast cancer can take the shape of two types depending on its genesis. Cancer that originates in the lobules is known as lobular carcinoma while the one that originates in the ducts is known as ductal carcinoma. Ductal carcinoma, cancer of the milk ducts has been found to be the most common type of breast cancer. Lobular breast cancer is much less common.

Breast Cancer Symptoms

When it comes to breast cancer symptoms, only the patient himself can detect and bring these symptoms to another’s notice. Usually, the first symptoms of breast cancer can be identified with an area of thickened tissue in the breast, more like a lump.

Other than this, pain in the armpits or the breast that is not related to menstrual pain, reddening of the breast and skin texture like an orange skin, rashes on the nipple, swelling of the armpits, discharge from nipples; even blood, changes in the appearance of the nipple, changes in the size and shape of the breast or flaking or peeling of skin from the nipple or the breast, can be symptoms of breast cancer and should be brought to a doctor’s notice immediately.

These are the early signs of breast cancer like breast cancer lumps, and if detected early, can save one’s life. Men breast cancer symptoms display similar behaviour. Most commonly a lump in the breast is observed in the case of cancer from breast cancer.

The other symptoms that may point towards the issue are nipple retraction, ulceration, and discharge from nipples. In the case where cancer has accelerated, additional symptoms might be breast pain, bone pain, swelling of the lymph nodes and impotency. Breast cancer early detection can save a person from a fatal death.

How is Breast Cancer Diagnosed?

Breast cancer is often detected only after the appearance of one or more symptoms of cancer. However, in some cases of early breast cancer, the symptoms might not manifest themselves and detection may be impossible. This is why it is recommended to get regular screening tests done to detect cancer at an early stage. Diagnosis can be done through a breast exam by a physician, X-ray (mammogram), 2D combined with 3D mammograms, breast ultrasound, biopsy and breast MRI.

Breast Cancer Self Examination, Check, Detection, Diagnosis Steps, Guide

Treatment Options for Breast Cancer

Treatment for breast cancer in women will involve treatment from a team of specialists including an oncologist, radiologist, specialist cancer surgeon, pathologist, radiographer and reconstructive surgeon. They will analyse the various parameters of the patient’s health and present condition before deciding on a course of treatment. Breast cancer treatment options mainly include the following:

  • Surgery: Surgery can be carried out in the following ways:
  1. Lumpectomy: The breast-sparing surgery, it aims at removal of the tumour and a mall region of tissues around it.
  2. Mastectomy: Surgical removal of the breast. It can be simple mastectomy or radical mastectomy.
  3. Sentinel Node Biopsy: Surgical removal of one lymph node.
  • Radiation Therapy: It involves controlled doses of radiation to target the tumour and destroy the cancer cells.
  • Chemotherapy: Using medicines to kill off the cancer cells using cytotoxic drugs. It is mostly recommended in cases where chances of recurrence are more. Chemotherapy side effects breast cancer cases include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, hair loss and high susceptibility to infections.

In the case of males, surgery is usually the first treatment option. In cases where there are estrogens receptors on the walls of cancerous cells, and estrogens hormone therapy may be used by the doctor. Chemotherapy also remains an option after surgery.

In cases of triple-negative breast cancer, where your pathology report tests negative for estrogens receptors, progesterone receptors, and HER2, triple negative breast cancer treatment involves a combination of therapies such as surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.

Metastatic breast cancer or the Stage 4 cancer means that cancer has spread to other body parts. The spreading of cancer begins with cancer cells invading the nearby healthy cells and their penetration into the lymph system. From this point, they migrate through circulation and cancer cells get lodged into capillaries. This leads to the development of new tumour cells. It can be detected through various symptoms and the treatment proceeds the same way as listed above.

Precautions to take while Suffering from Breast Cancer

While a patient is suffering from breast cancer, they can take small precautions to ensure that their treatment continues in the right way without any obstacles. A patient should be given a nutritious diet along with some exercise. Any possible side effects of the treatment should be taken care of. A patient should frankly discuss symptoms and issues with their physician.

Breast cancer research and treatment has led to the advancement and development of newer and improved methods of breast cancer treatment. If you were wondering can breast cancer be cured then you should know that it is possible with medications and medical procedures.

A new breast cancer blood test is in breast cancer news, which gives precise results by up to 80%, and can detect breast cancer five years before it occurs. This blood test is a significant development over the conventional mammography tests.

Breast Cancer Fundraising

There are many organisations that run fundraising events to support breast cancer patients. There are many support events, fund raising events, Volunteer opportunities that are a part of these events. These events provide support to many patients. There are many ways in which people can become a part of these events.

Final Words

There are some lifestyle changes that can be adopted by people to avoid being diagnosed with breast cancer such as reducing alcohol consumption, indulging in physical exercise, improving diet, maintaining body weight, breastfeeding and getting regular breast cancer screening done to detect early symptoms. The journey is tough but not impossible.

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How Pregnant Woman Can Stay Healthy – Top 5 Safe Exercises During Pregnancy Sat, 04 Jan 2025 04:30:05 +0000 Pregnancy is that time for a woman where she experiences a vast array of changes in herself, both physical and emotional. Sometimes it is hard to cope with so many changes all at once. While there is not much that...

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Pregnancy is that time for a woman where she experiences a vast array of changes in herself, both physical and emotional. Sometimes it is hard to cope with so many changes all at once. While there is not much that can be done about the emotional and hormonal changes taking place in you. There is always an option to keep yourself healthy physically, which might have a positive impact on your emotional well-being too. Maintaining a regular exercise regime throughout your pregnancy can help you feel better and at your best. Regular exercising can greatly aid in alleviating back pain during pregnancy and lower back pain in early pregnancy. So here, we have come up with safe exercises during pregnancy advised for a pregnant woman.

Birthing Ball Exercises during Pregnancy Benefits

Can I exercise while pregnant?

Even if you have never really followed an exercise regime on a regular basis before your pregnancy, it is completely safe for you to start doing so while you are pregnant. The only thing to be kept in mind is that an extra consultation with your doctor might be a good option so that she can tell you the exact exercises that are suitable for you.

Exercising during pregnancy must be avoided by women who have a medical condition such as asthma, heart disease, or diabetes. You must get yourself examined to detect certain pregnancy relates issues such as bleeding and spotting, low placenta, threatened or recurrent miscarriage, history of early labor or a weak cervix. In such cases, exercising can deteriorate your condition further and cause complications. It is best to have a word with your gynecologist before following any exercise regime.

You might notice a brown discharge in early pregnancy. This discharge is very similar to a normal period but is very light. More than 20% women face this condition and it absolutely common to take place. There are many causes of this discharge such as menstrual hormones, embedding of fertilized egg in the uterus lining, irritation of the cervix, cervical polyp, vaginal infection or if you have conceived through IVF or similar fertilization methods. Exercising has no relation to this howsoever, so it should not hold you back from exercising when you are completely normal.

Benefits of Exercising during Pregnancy

Exercising during your pregnancy period can have positive effects on your health and keep you active. Majorly, exercises help in improving your muscle tone, strength, and endurance that makes all the difference. It helps you adapt more positively to the changes taking place in your body owing to pregnancy. You stand to gain these benefits with regular and proper exercises:

  • Help in adjusting to the weight gained during pregnancy
  • Prepares you for the physical trauma of childbirth and labor pain
  • Improves your emotional aura and keeps your mood good
  • Induces better sleeping pattern
  • Helps in regaining body shape post child birth

Safe Exercises during Pregnancy – Top 5 Best Exercises for Pregnant Woman

As long as you are performing an exercise in moderation and with caution, quite a few numbers of exercises are good for pregnancy period. Ideally, a three day routine per week of safe exercises for pregnancy will yield the desired benefits. Exercising while pregnant will keep your heart rate running at a normal pace without causing exertion. A pregnancy exercise plan can be formulated by you that you like so that you will stick to following it religiously on a routine basis. Among the best exercise for pregnant women are:

  • Walking: Brisk walking is the best workout without pushing yourself over the edge. It keeps your heart rate working without causing any discomfort to your knees, ankles or legs. A walk of 30 minutes per day is sufficient to work out for a day.
  • Aerobics: Aerobics give you the chance to engage in a routine exercise and is completely safe as long as you do not over exert yourself. Remember to keep them low impact without affecting your joints.
  • Swimming: Swimming is yet another safe exercise for pregnancy period. It has the added fun of more enjoyment of feeling weightless as your baby bump keeps getting rounder. It gives a good work out to your arms, legs and keeps your heart space healthy.
  • Birthing Ball Exercises during Pregnancy: Ball exercises are excellent means of exercising at the comfort of your home. It improves your balance and posture and works the muscles in your tummy. These exercises are beneficial for changing the position of the baby and preparing you for labor.
  • Yoga for Pregnancy: Yoga while pregnant helps to maintain muscle tone and improves your posture ten folds. Yoga is an age-old technique of maintaining health and even yoga exercises during pregnancy can have a greatly positive impact on your body. You can join pregnancy yoga classes to get the best training for pregnancy period where trained coaches will guide you to do proper yoga.
Recommended Food for Pregnant Woman

Besides following a routine of exercising, include special pregnancy foods in your pregnancy fitness plan that will help you keep your pregnancy in check and healthy. Following are some foods to eat during pregnancy:

  • Eggs
  • Beans
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Whole grains
  • Walnuts
  • Dark green and leafy vegetables
  • Fruits
Final Words

You can join pregnancy fitness classes where experienced and trained coaches will give the best pregnancy tips and information related to your pregnancy and under their supervision you will get the best and most healthy fitness plans.

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Top 8 Natural Ways to Reduce Weight for Women: Weight Loss Tips for Women Fri, 03 Jan 2025 04:30:32 +0000 Weight gain and loss can be a topic of extreme concern and trouble for women with a level of weight above the desirable levels. Shedding off those extra kilos may seem a lucrative option in favor of the health benefits...

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Weight gain and loss can be a topic of extreme concern and trouble for women with a level of weight above the desirable levels. Shedding off those extra kilos may seem a lucrative option in favor of the health benefits it yields and a physique that is greedily coveted by most. Weight loss in a woman can be a hard to achieve the goal with many women going to extremes to get rid of the extra flab from their bodies.

While there is an ample number of ways to lose weight, actually committing oneself to a religious weight loss routine might be hard for most of the women. Believe it or not, there is a great deal of divergence in the way a man’s body works as compared to a woman’s. Women’s body react differently to weight loss efforts, diet and exercises. So, we have come up with the best weight loss tips for women in this article.

Natural Weight Loss Tips for Women at Home

What is Stopping you from Losing Weight – Reasons for Weight Gain

The part reason why you may find it hard to lose weight is because the body of a woman is designed to hold on to certain fats. Other than this certain habits and lifestyle traps are responsible for this such as:

  • Uncontrolled Eating: An effective part of any weight loss regime is to watch out on your portion sizes if you have a healthy appetite. Most women indulge in overeating and lose control over their portion sizes when they are stressed or tired.
  • Medicines: The pills that you are consuming presently are to blame for your weight gain. This includes steroids as well.
  • Genetics: If your mother gained too much weight while she was carrying you, you will face weight loss struggles.
  • Failing to Exercise: Most women fail to get the adequate amount of exercises or lack in proper weight management related exercises. It is necessary to indulge in strength training that builds the muscle tissue.
  • Skipping Breakfast: Your fat burning metabolism needs a push the same way a car needs fuel to run. Most women fail to realize the importance of a healthy diet program at regular intervals.
  • Drinking Alcohol: Habitual alcohol consumption, even in moderate volumes can have an adverse effect on your health, surging the intake of calories in the body.

How to Lose Weight – Different Methods to Lose Weight

Whatever age that you are at right now, excessive weight can be a problem for you, both physically and mentally. If you are among few of those women who are determined and aimed at achieving a viable loss in your weight, then you can consider either, or a combination, of various techniques that can prove useful in achieving your targeted aim. Specially designed weight loss meal plans for women, healthy weight loss supplements for women, weight Loss Programs for Women and weight loss tips and tricks can be adopted on a routine basis to shift the pace of your current lifestyle to a healthier track.

Best Weight Loss Program for Women

Healthy weight loss demands not only a boost in your physical activity but also a change in your eating pattern. Many women fail to understand the importance of a healthy diet in their routine. Exhaustive and long workout sessions reveal no significant results because of an analogous change in the diet of the person. If you want to change your diet and devote yourself to a much healthier lifestyle, then consult a popular and experienced dietitian in your city, who can suggest the best weight loss programs to you, completely tailored as per your requirement and schedule.

Such dietitians are experts at devising best weight loss program for a woman over 40, where diet plays a greater role in shaping the figure of your weight. By devising quick weight loss diet for you, the dietitian aims to reduce your weight to a certain extent in a stipulated time period. Such diet plans can be extremely beneficial for your health as they will not only involve you with a regularized eating pattern but also affect your weight loss plan in a positive manner.

Weight Loss Supplements for Women – Best Supplements to Reduce Weight

There are certain healthy weight loss supplements that can be included by you in your daily routine to achieve an accelerated pace of weight loss. It all comes down to eating a healthy combination of foods. There are some specific vitamins and nutrients that can shift your body from fat storage mode to fat melting mode. They specifically signal your body to burn more calories and waste them as heat.

  • Vitamin D: This vitamin ensures that body cells respond to the insulin secreted by your pancreas and helps get glucose into your body cells, which is transformed into energy. The more sensitive that your cells are to insulin, the better for your weight loss regime. If your body is low on this vitamin, the levels of parathyroid hormone (PTH) will increase and lead to fat cells converting the sugars into fat and storing them in the body.
  • Calcium: Vitamin D and calcium work in tandem to help you shed off fat. Calcium is stored in the fat cells of our body so the more calcium that a cell has, the greater fat it will release to burn.
  • Protein: Protein helps in keeping a check at your body composition, that is, the amount of fat relative to the muscle. Your hunger is kept at bay frequently because of protein. It preserves the muscle mass in the body in order to lead to weight loss.
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids: Omega 3 switches on enzymes in the body that in turn trigger fat burning cells. It improves leptin signalling to the brain which causes the brain to turn up fat burning and turns down your appetite. It is perfect to boost your mood which can reduce emotional eating. Fishes, nuts and seeds are the best source of this essential oil.
  • Polyphenols: Found in abundance in green tea, polyphenols boost up the metabolic rate intensely. This helps the body to burn more body fat. It can block weight gain as the body cells heat up as the cells waste more calories.

Top 8 Natural Home Remedies to Lose Weight – How to Reduce Weight Naturally?

Home remedies are the best way to achieving your weight loss target if you wish to stay clear of pills and chemical supplements. With zero side effects, these remedies can do no harm to your body.

  1. Honey and Ginger Juice: Taking this mixture two times a day can be great for your body. With high fructose content, honey works as a fuel for the liver to produce glucose which in turn signals the release of fat burning hormones. Ginger works to reduce untimely cravings for unhealthy foods. It also raises the temperature of the body and boosts the metabolism aiding quick weight loss.
  2. Honey and Cinnamon: Cinnamon is great for stabilizing blood pressure and improves the function of insulin. It is excellent for detoxifying the body. For those suffering from insulin resistance, it also helps fight the symptoms and helps the shedding off of the weight.
  3. Jujube or Indian Plum Leaves: The plum leaves are famous for their ability to cut down fat in the body. In only a month’s time, regular consumption of these leaves on an empty stomach can yield fantastic results.
  4. Apple Cider Vinegar Water: Similar to lemon, apple cider vinegar is included in the diet to aid weight loss. It is a rich source of pectin. This fiber improves your appetite, making you feel full for longer periods. It has the effect of breaking down fat cells in the body and helps in keeping the metabolism running at a fast pace.
  5. Sage Tea: This herb is excellent for weight loss and the best in terms of natural home remedies for weight loss. The function of this herb is to control the effects of stress in our bodies. When we are under constant stress, our bodies release a steroid hormone called cortisol that has a major effect on our blood sugar level and appetite. Inculcating this tea once in the routine every day can have a significant effect on these hormones and control the weight in the body.
  6. Ginseng: Ginseng is yet another herb that contains a compound called ginsenoside which prevents the cells from completing the fat storage process. As a result, the herb has a vastly positive effect on people suffering from diabetes and obesity. It is best consumed with tea with lemon or honey.
  7. Hot Water Remedy: Switching over to hot water consumption on a daily basis can have a positive effect on your weight loss regime. It has the effect of flushing out fats from the body vessels. After taking a heavy meal, make it a routine to consume a glass of hot water, but not immediately after your meals.
  8. Green Tea: The compounds and supplements found in green tea are excellent for weight loss. It limits fat absorption in the body and fights weight gain and obesity. Green tea is loaded with essential minerals that help in the maintenance of overall health.

Final Words

Weight loss may be a long process but a healthy lifestyle is a lifetime process. These tips are necessary for you to include in your daily routine, not only to lose extra kilos but also to maintain your health.

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Allopathic & Natural Treatment for Hair Loss: Regain your Hairs in Quick Time Thu, 02 Jan 2025 04:30:26 +0000 Hair loss is a pervasive issue faced by men and women alike. The condition of hair loss is also termed as ‘alopecia’ in medical terms. It can occur owing to several reasons. Our hair passes through three stages of growth...

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Hair loss is a pervasive issue faced by men and women alike. The condition of hair loss is also termed as ‘alopecia’ in medical terms. It can occur owing to several reasons. Our hair passes through three stages of growth till it falls off. The first phase is referred to as the anagen phase. This is an active phase where the hair grows from the scalp and it can last for a period ranging from 2 to 7 years.

The second phase called the catagen phase, follows the anagen phase during which, blood supply to the hair is cut off and the hair becomes a dead hair. It lasts for about 10 to 14 days. The last stage is called the telogen phase, in which the dead hair enters a resting phase. The dead hair falls out and the hair follicles remain inactive for a period of 2 to 3 months’ time.

Every single hair on our scalp undergoes this cycle, which is repeated every time a hair falls out from the hair follicle. In a normal case, close to 90% of the hair on the scalp should be in the anagen phase at any given point of time, with only 10% being in the telogen phase. Hair loss or hair thinning occurs when this ratio deviates from its ideal mark. Hair loss can happen at any age and can result from a disease or may indicate towards the inception of some disease.

Hair Fall Treatment for Men at Home

The Common Causes of Hair Loss

Although hair loss may be genetic, there are several factors that gradually lead to loss of hair, some of which are:

  • Skin diseases like fungal infections can cause loss of hair.
  • Hormonal changes including the period post childbirth and menopause.
  • Deficiency of essential nutrients such as iron and protein.
  • Recovery from a serious fever can lead to sudden hair loss.
  • Usage of drugs in medications that are used to treat joint pains, cancer, depression etc.
  • Any form of injury to the head.
  • Constant grief and stress.
  • Indiscriminate use of hair styling and heating products along with chemical products on hair.
  • General diseases like diabetes, AIDS, and tuberculosis.

Types of hair loss

  • Alopecia Areata: Hair loss, in this case, occurs in the form of patches and spots. This is regarded as a condition where the immune cells of the body mistake hair cells as foreign bodies and begin destroying them. This is why it is referred to as the autoimmune form of hair loss. It occurs mostly in people below the age of 20.
  • Alopecia Totalis: Also referred to as baldness, the hair over the entire scalp is lost without any particular pattern.
  • Telogen Effluvium: In this case, the hair follows a gradual thinning pattern. There is diffusion of hair growth due to early entry of the hair strands into the telogen phase.
  • Androgenetic Alopecia: It is a pattern of baldness which occurs in males and females alike, owing to genetic and hormonal factors. Although, this form of hair loss is less severe in females as compared to males. The hair witnesses gradual receding of the hairline along the backside in male pattern baldness.

Now that we have seen in detail what hair loss is all about and what causes hair loss, it is imperative to understand the hair loss treatment that should be undertaken to control the severity of the problem and also to prevent it from occurring. While there are an ample number of female hair loss treatment and male hair loss treatment, it is best to adopt natural remedies for solving the problem of hair loss. Below is a compilation of hair loss solutions for men and hair loss solutions for women that can greatly impact the level of hair growth on your scalp.

How to Regrow Hair Naturally?

  • Egg Mask: Most effective for dull hair, egg whites have miraculous healing properties for the hair. The action of the egg mask softens and rejuvenates your hair. It is high in Proteins, Zinc, Sulphur, Iron, Phosphorous and Iodine which helps in quick hair growth if used on a regular basis.
  • Curry Leaves and Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is like the elixir of life for our hair. It is rich in fatty acids that bind the hair proteins and give protection to hair from breakage. It protects the hair by deeply penetrating through the hair shaft. Curry leaves are very good when combined with coconut oil to protect the hair from breakage and also solves the problem of greying hair.
  • Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is not just good for your skin but also for your scalp. A simple application of the gel on the scalp can promote hair growth. It is rich in enzymes that de-clog hair follicles. It also acts as a natural conditioner for the hair and makes them soft and smooth.
  • Indian Gooseberry (Amla): Amla gives the hair follicles enough strength and helps stimulate hair growth on the scalp. Amla also prevents hair breakage and split ends. The high content of vitamin C and anti-oxidants in Amla lend these magical properties to it.
  • Potatoes: Potatoes are loaded with essential vitamins, calcium, potassium and iron that rejuvenate your hair and bring life to dull and dry hair. It also prevents dryness and premature greying of the hair.
  • Lemon Juice: A powerful home remedy for all your hair woes, lemon is perfect for controlling the frizz and oil in hair and promotes hair growth owing to the abundance of vitamins found in it.

Hair Regrowth Products

Hair regrowth products are yet another powerful method for promoting hair growth on the scalp. They are best for use in case you do not have the time and patience to try the natural home remedies listed above. A good hair regrowth product is easy to apply and is completely safe for use. Some of the top hair loss products for women and men are:

  • Bhringraj Regrowth Hair Oil – Enriched with the combination of groundnut oil, flax seed oil, coconut oil and bhringraj oil, this product from the brand OxyGlow is perfect for stimulating hair growth.
  • Livon Hair Gain Tonic – This hair tonic is the best hair loss treatments for men and women. It can stop hair fall and promote hair growth in a short period of time. It contains active root energizers that have a powerful effect on the hair roots.
  • Reddy’s Mintop Hair Fall Solution – With the regular application for over a month, this colorless tonic actually displays results. It should not be combined with any other oils.
  • Khadi Ayurvedic Hair Regrowth Tonic – Henna and Thyme: Best for the treatment of dandruff and premature greying, it contains pure extracts of henna and thyme to reduce hair fall.
  • Lotus Herbals Kera-Veda Grow Oil – This herbal oil is a pure concoction of Brahmi, Bhringraj, Harad, Nagarmotha and Padmakh extracts.

These methods can be adopted for hair loss treatment for men and treatments for hair loss in women. They stay true to nature’s side of treatment and have no ill effects on the hair or the body. Although these methods are tried and tested ways of promoting hair growth, you must have patience and let your hair take its time to show the desired results.

Final Words

One might also opt laser treatment for hair loss for men and women hair loss treatment in favor of quick and instant results. Medical science has made enough advancement to enable laser treatment on the scalp to ensure control on hair loss. One such technique is Low-level laser therapy. It is extremely effective for controlling hair loss.

In any case, whatever treatment method you opt for, make sure that you follow it on a routine basis to get the desired results.

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Vegetable Juice Recipes – Best 4 Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss Fri, 22 Jun 2018 14:49:12 +0000 Juice has been used for the weight loss purpose and it’s definitely not a new concept. If you are planning a weight loss diet then we suggest you to all some fresh juice recipes in your daily meals. It will...

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Juice has been used for the weight loss purpose and it’s definitely not a new concept. If you are planning a weight loss diet then we suggest you to all some fresh juice recipes in your daily meals. It will speed up your weight loss and it will load up lots of different vitamins, minerals, fibers, and antioxidants. It will prove to be helpful in revving your metabolism and then your body will burn more calories. These vegetable juices have helped lots of people in losing their weight and so you must add these juices in your daily meals.

Does Juicing Work for Weight Loss?

Well, it is a quite obvious question for all those who are planning to lose their weight? The answer is Yes because during our diet plan we don’t take much variety of fruits and vegetables but on the other hand, these fruits and vegetables prove to be rich in vitamins, minerals, fibers, and antioxidants. These juices will increase our metabolism rate and will definitely help you to burn more calories. So we should definitely add some good juices in our diet plan.

Vegetable Juice Recipes for Weight Loss Diet

Best 4 Vegetable Juices to Reduce Weight

Since we have a huge variety of juices but we need that juice who will help us to reduce weight and that’s why we have enlisted some mouthwatering juices. There are different varieties of Vegetable Juicers available online and you can try any of them. Here we have top 4 Juices which will help you to reduce your weight:

Carrot Juice

We all know that carrots are low in calories and that’s why it is helpful in weight loss. If you intake a tall glass of carrot juice then it will keep you full until lunch. On more benefit of carrot juice is that it will increase your bile juice secretion and it will help in burring of excessive fat in our body.

Amla Juice

If you start your day with a glass of Amla juice then it will keep your digestive system on track. Amla Juice is the best known for accelerating the metabolism of your body and we all know that faster the metabolism will burn our fat quickly. For better results, we suggest you take this juice on empty stomach. You can also add a drop of honey in your juice to keep you active.

Strawberry, Beetroot and Carrot Smoothie

Beetroot is best known for enhancing the exercise endurance and stamina. Beetroot has got a high level of soluble and insoluble fibers which help in weight loss. Strawberries contain Anthocyanins and Ellagic acid which is good weight loss agent by reducing the inflammation.

Cucumber Smoothie

We all know that cucumber is pretty good in reducing your weight and it is low in sodium and rich in water. Cucumber will reduce water retention and bloat. It is just a low-calorie snack and that you an intake anytime or you can also take them with salad.

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7 Foods Rich in Vitamin D: Include them in your Diet if Suffering from Rickets Wed, 31 Jan 2018 18:30:07 +0000 Vitamin D is one of the vitamins you get naturally from the sun. You need to expose your body to the sun to obtain the essentials nutrients. It is good for our bone health and we can easily obtain it...

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Vitamin D is one of the vitamins you get naturally from the sun. You need to expose your body to the sun to obtain the essentials nutrients. It is good for our bone health and we can easily obtain it from different food items. You can prevent a number of bone-related diseases having proper intake of Vitamin D. According to different healthcare institutes and study centers, the regular requirement of Vitamin D is around 400 to 600 IU. But if you don’t get enough sunlight, you must increase the intake to 1000 IU to make up for the deficiency of sunlight.

Foods Rich in Vitamin D

The people suffering from Vitamin D deficiency must consume regular sunlight and eat foods rich in the D-Vitamin. Here is the list of seven foods which are rich in Vitamin D. You can get these foods easily from the market.


If you are a vegan and want to intake Vitamin D from plants or herbal sources, then you can consume mushrooms. The commercial mushrooms are rich in Vitamin D2, but not D3. The Vitamin D3 is needed to break cholesterol into soluble fats in the human body. For better results, you can grow wild mushrooms at home as they contain a very high amount of Vitamin D2 which is around 2300 IU per 100 grams.

Egg Yolk

If you are an eggetarian, then you can have enough of Vitamin D from the egg yolk. As you know, the eggs are rich in protein and other nutrients and also have a high amount of Vitamin D. You can have 30 IU of Vitamin D from each yolk of an egg. Moreover, the chicken and eggs fed with Vitamin D in poultry firms have higher levels of the Vitamin D which almost goes up to 6000 IU.


Shrimps are heaven for most of them who like seafood. Moreover, they contain very less amount of fat and cholesterol. It contains a really high level of Vitamin D and you can intake almost 152 IU of the Vitamin D per serving. It is really beneficial for your bones and body health on an overall basis.


If you want to intake Vitamin D in a delicious manner go for oysters. These are clam type sea creatures which mostly live in the salted waters across the globe. They are low in calories but have high nutritive value. It might surprise you that only 100 grams of oysters can give you 320 IU of this vitamin and that too with an only calorie intake of 68 units.


Seafood lovers cannot resist salmons normally, though there are exceptions. But if you are a fish and seafood lover especially Salmons, you are already full of Vitamin D. If you consume this fish on a regular basis, you will never have Vitamin D deficiency as it contains 988 IU of Vitamin D. If it is wild salmon then you can get up to 250 IU.

Cow’s Milk

If you consume milk, you get enough supply of Calcium, Vitamin D, Phosphorus and other nutrients. A cup of 250 ml of pure cow’s milk contains near about 150 IU of this vitamin.

Orange Juice

Oranges are almost everyone’s favorite and every 237 ml of the orange juice can provide you 142 IU of Vitamin D. It is almost 35% of the daily required an intake of this vitamin. Including orange juice in your daily diet can surely help you to maintain a good bone density.

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9 Effective Varicose Veins Home Remedies you Should Try Right Now Sun, 31 Dec 2017 18:30:36 +0000 Also known as Varicoses or Varicosities, Varicose Veins is an incurable situation in which your veins become enlarged and dilated as they get overfilled with blood in them. These veins are clearly visible as if they are swollen and are...

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Also known as Varicoses or Varicosities, Varicose Veins is an incurable situation in which your veins become enlarged and dilated as they get overfilled with blood in them. These veins are clearly visible as if they are swollen and are bluish-purple and a bit red in color. It is quite a common problem, especially in women. Around 25% of the world’s population has this situation. These veins are farthest from your heart and are specifically visible in the lower leg area. This is generally because of the fact that it is virtually impossible for the blood to flow upwards and get collected in a vein due to gravity. In this article, we will tell you about varicose veins natural treatment.

Causes of Varicose Veins

Although there are multiple Varicose veins causes, they primarily occur when your veins aren’t functioning in the way they are supposed to do. The human veins don’t allow the blood to flow backward as they only have a one-way valve. So when this valve doesn’t function properly, then instead of reaching your heart, the blood tends to get collected in the veins. This enlarges the veins. The most common causes known to medical sciences for this condition are pregnancy, standing for very long periods of time, menopause, old age, generally above 50, obesity as well as a family history of having Varicose veins.Varicose Veins Home Remedies

Natural Home Remedies for Varicose Veins

If you want to know how to cure varicose veins in legs, then have a look at these remedies which can definitely help you out to get the beautiful legs again.

Gentle Massage on Legs

If you are wondering how to treat varicose veins at home, then this is a great solution. Blood Pooling in the veins is the major cause of varicose veins. By having an active massage on your legs, you can increase the blood circulation and the overall blood flow into your legs. Be careful to have gentle massage only.

Better Diet

Eat foods which are rich in Vitamins such as B6, B9, and B12. These decrease the level of homocysteine in the blood, thereby decreasing chances of varicose veins. Varicose veins diet includes food like Tuna, salmon, turkey, chicken, shrimp, and eggs can be extremely beneficial.

Increased Physical Activity and Exercising

Having a sedentary lifestyle can be really bad if you have varicose veins. Since your calf muscles return the blood to the heart, you should keep them active. Walking can boost blood circulation. Exercising and Swimming is other options to improve the blood flow and keep the calf muscles working better. This is the best way for varicose veins prevention.


Compression stockings are available in the market. These come with uniform design. Pressing them uniformly and applying equal pressure on the legs can reduce the diameter of the veins and hence reduce the backflow of blood. Varicose veins surgery can be avoided by this.

Avoid Standing too much

Standing too much, or for that matter even sitting too much can aggravate Varicose veins. Therefore you should try avoiding standing too much and putting less pressure on your calves. If you have to stand, then try to move a bit to increase the flow of blood or shift the pressure from one leg to another.

Chamomile Oil

Chamomile oil is one of the most soothing ones. It can relieve heaviness or discomfort which may be due to throbbing veins. All you need to do is to mix some chamomile oil with organic coconut oil and gently massage it over your knees and legs below. This can cure varicose veins and work as a replacement for varicose veins treatment cream.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Varicose veins natural treatment apple cider vinegar is a great and easy way of curing varicose veins. It is very effective too. The ACV has astringent properties. Due to this, the swollen veins just shrink and their original plasticity is restored. You can either apply it on the spot by diluting it with an equal amount of water. Or you can drink take it by adding honey and water to it. It detoxifies the blood from within and helps in its smooth flow.

Witch Hazel

This is a herbal remedy which is Native American. It has helped many people who were suffering from varicose veins. The extract of the Witch Hazel has tannins. These tannins have astringent in them, which constricts the distended veins. The anti-inflammatory properties of the witch hazel also are very effective in healing varicose veins. Many people suggest an intake of witch hazel, but you can also have a warm compress with it to heal your varicose veins behind the knee.

Pine Bark Extract

This is the best home remedy for varicose veins. The bark of the Pine tree consists of phenolic acid and flavonoids which have a number of beneficial effects. It can reduce varicose veins and the inflammation associated with it in just a few days. You can orally intake it to strengthen your blood vessels. It will also reduce blood pressure as well as improve the blood pressure, which is essential for Varicose veins treatment.

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