12 Powerful Yoga Asanas to Get Rid of Belly Fat: Remove Those Extra Pounds

Belly fat is the most common fat you will ever notice first on your body. The reason is because this fat is the first to crop up on your body. For starters, people can easily gain fat on their belly...
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How to do Surya Namaskar Asana: The Sun Salutation Poses

Surya Namaskar or the Sun Salutation Yoga comprises of a sequence of postures which helps to provide you with a good cardiovascular workout. When done at an extremely slower rate, these Surya Namaskar asanas can help to tone your body...
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6 Yoga Asanas to Increase Sperm Count: Natural Treatment for Male Infertility

Yoga has been used as a tool for staying healthy and keeping fit since medieval times. The benefits of doing regular yoga range from the increase in stamina to immune your body against diseases. However, one of the biggest health...
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